Returns Procedure

Returns (UK Customers)

You must inform us within 7 working days of receiving your goods of your intention to return, and physically return goods within 14 days, to our address as shown below:

The Faux Fur Company Ltd
The Design Studio

12, Valleybridge Road

Clacton On Sea

Essex CO154AD

Your product must be complete, unused and in 'as supplied' condition (e.g., if you have opened the parcel to examine the product you must have done so without damaging or marking the product in any way). Goods returned not meeting the aforementioned requirements, or outside these time limits may not be credited or refunded, and held awaiting your instruction for collection or returned to you (subject to a re-delivery charge).

If the product is supplied with a clear plastic carry-case, this must also be returned with the product inside. Returning a throw without it being carefully folded as originally supplied is not acceptable, if a throw is returned excessively creased, this does not constitute "as supplied" condition, and we reserve the right to deduct any re-processing costs required to return the goods to that condition.

Please ensure that the goods contain some identification (your name, address and order number on a piece of paper will suffice), otherwise we may have difficulty processing your refund. If you have paid using Amazon Checkout, it will be helpful to quote their reference also (this is the number in the format : XXX-XXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXX).

The method of return is entirely a matter of your choice.

An instinctive choice of shoppers is to take parcels to the Post Office, but this is now excessively expensive for items over 2kg, which all of our throws are.You can usually return for half the cost or less by using one of the following online services, which are simple to use. There’s no need to use an express service, and, as long as you have informed us of your intention to return within 7 days of receipt of goods and despatched promptly thereafter, we won’t worry if the goods arrive back with us a day or two beyond the official 14 days return period.

  • www.­Parcel2Go.­com –if you want to have the parcel collected from you on a nominated day (at home or work).
  • www.­CollectPlus.­co.­uk –if you can’t wait in, but can drop the parcel off at a local convenience store, at a time suitable for you, including weekends and evenings. The site has a postcode search for shops in your area offering this service, with map and details of opening hours. If you wish to return goods using this site, the option to choose is SEND A PARCEL (not RETURN A PARCEL, which is for large businesses with registered returns systems ony)

These services may require a product WEIGHT in kg to book the service. If you want to know the weight of your item to be returned please email us here (please quote order number):

(Please note; the above are suggestions only, we cannot accept responsibility for the performance of any carrier used to return goods, or any losses incurred, and the responsibility to return within the stated time period remains yours.)